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来源:中学生作文指导 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2020-11-02
摘要:lanterns, vampires and haunted houses. But do you know the origin of Halloween? Why does it fall on 31 October? What kind of festival is it? Why is it so creepy? Halloween dates back to a Celtic festival called Samhain. November 1 is the ne

lanterns, vampires and haunted houses. But do you know the origin of Halloween? Why does it fall on 31 October? What kind of festival is it? Why is it so creepy?

Halloween dates back to a Celtic festival called Samhain. November 1 is the new year of the Celts, who lived in Europe more than a thousand years ago. This is the day which marked the end of summer and harvest. The Celts believed that on the night of October 31, ghosts of the dead would return to earth. The Celts celebrated Samhain by dressing up in costumes with animal heads and having bonfires. Many Celts settled in Britain and Ireland, where the festival became popular. Those who moved to America took the tradition with them.

Nowadays, most people celebrate Halloween but only for fun. They are not worried about ghosts. Kids in America will dress up as devils or angels and will go from house to house calling \"Trick or treat\", playing mischievous tricks and getting sweets. Americans spend more money on Halloween than Christmas! In 2005, more than HK$45 billion was spent on Halloween. And HK$15 billion of that was spent on candy alone!!!

Kids in Britain also dress up at Halloween. They visit houses, sing songs or tell a joke to get sweets. Many go to Halloween parties and play games like \"ducking for apples\". You must pick up an apple in water but you can only use your mouth. Try it!

文章来源:《中学生作文指导 》 网址: http://www.zxszwzdzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/1102/683.html


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